Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Weekend at Buttonquail

At Buttonquail we went on a quad bike ride through a private game park. We also went wakeboarding. It was fun but the water was cold!
We made paint from crushed rocks and the sap from a pine tree and sold it to our parents for R50.
There were 3 boys and 2 girls and we played basket ball and the boys won. We hardly slept so when we got home we were very tired.
On the way back we saw a field fire with lots of fire engines.

Saturday, 26 April 2008


Sharks are not out there just wating to kill us their are just like us exsept they swim and we walk the attackes are beacuse we are in they teroty andf they attack us because we all like to surf and sharks arn't very clever so they mistake us for a seal on the top of the water. Sharks are hunnting and doing wat they always do that is hunt seals and eat them for food . When sharks attack humans they just take a bite to see what it is and then swim away all some times you arn't so lucky.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Headless chickens

As a group we work and tri are BEST.We have lots of fun in the day. Specialy with Henry because he named our group the headless chickens. We can be naughty often in class.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008


ANIMALS are our pets like cats dogs hamsters birds fish etc but those are all taim animals the animals in the wild if they see you your dead meet because you won't even have a chance to get away and you don't won't to be chased by a cheetah because therse no chance that you will servive by any big cat your chances are 10 out of a hundred . wild animals arn't out to kill us but they are just guarding their territory.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Surfing is a very comin sport that lots of peopel do just for fun but then you get peopel how do it for a job and earn millions just by surfing and having fun will they are just doing they job wat they love. Most peopel think it's dangerous to surf because of all the shark attacks let me tell you something that car crash's kill five hundred peopel in a year but sharks kill only TWO PEOPEL in a year now look at that and some peopel say that shark's are big killer's but they not it's mans on machinerie that are infact the real killer's in the world.

Sunday, 13 April 2008


Fishing is realy easy all you need is a rod and tackle and exspesherly you need line to fish now you will see how to fish in the trasnkey and catch huge fish and realy heavy. The fish there are so heavy but small and every fish you catch it has huge teeth and i mean big teeth realy every thingle one has teeth. catching fish tere was not a problem and you didn't have to be a good fisher man to catch there we atchly got tired of catching fish there that you could youse enething for bait there and you would catch a least about over ten fish there.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Why we love pink papers

We just don't get enough pink papers in our family - I am sure this could be remedied quite easily - but I had forgotten how much fun it is for parents to be reminded of words we had forgotten to use or have never found the opportunity to use, but when asked, "When would you ever use that?", we have the ideal opportunity to think of ways to use words like "sartorial" and "semantic".

In thinking of ways to use the words - "Looking sartorially snappy today, Sir.", or, "Sir, this word is a bit of a semantic conundrum for me, can you help?", I thought perhaps an ideal extension to the pink paper would be to have to use the words on the pink paper in everyday conversation for at least a week. Only trouble is - how to monitor the wildly erudite vocabulary in use by pink paperites?

All suggestions welcome.

I propose that the blog has a list of favourite pink paper words and credit can be gained for using the words in English or a call my bluff vocab challenge once a term - think of the people who might do well!!!!!